Flower. Happy World

 Flower. Happy World

A flower, sometimes referred to as a flower or inflorescence, is part of the plant found in flowering plants [8]. The biological function of flowers usually affects reproduction by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Cross-pollination allows flowers to easily pass through the synthesis of sperm and eggs during a population or allows them to be sold during self-pollination (fusion of sperm and eggs from the same flower).

There are two types of pollination which are self-pollination and cross pollination. Self-pollination occurs when pollen from anthrax accumulates on the stigma of the same flower or any other flower on the same tree[8]. Cross-pollination is when the pollen space from 1 flower enter is transferred to the stigma of another flower on a particular person of the same species. Flower-pollination occurs in flowers where the stamen and carpel mature at the same time and remain in a place where the pollen can land on the stigma of the flower. This pollination does not require investment from the plant to supply nectar and pollen as food to the pollinators.

Some flowers produce diasporas without fertilization. The flowers contain sporran and this is the situation where saffrons develop. Many flowers have become attractive to animals, so they can be their vectors for pollen transfer. After fertilization, the flower ovary develops into a seeded fruit.

In addition to facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants[8] Flowers have long been admired and employed by humans to beautify their environment[8].  As a source of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and medicine[0].

The floral part

The essential parts of a flower can be considered in two parts: plant parts, petals and parent-related structures, and combinations of reproductive or sexual parts. A stereotypical flower consists of four types of structures attached to the tip of a small stalk of which each part of this type is arranged in a rotation on the reception. The four main cortices (starting from the bottom of the flower or working from the lowest node and the top) are as follows:


Main articles: Panther, Sepal and Corolla (flowers)

Combines calyx and corolla trencherman (see figure).

Calyx: A single integrated external vortex known as a principal; They are usually green in color and the rest of the flower is bound to the shoot stage but they are absent or prominent and may be petal-like in some species.

Corolla: The next rotation toward the tops, consisting of units called petals that are usually thin, soft and colored to attract animals that help in the pollination process.


Although the layout described above is considered "normal", plant species show a wide variety of floral structures. [2] These changes are significant in the evolution of flowering plants and are widely used by botanists to establish relationships between plant species.

The four main parts of a flower are usually defined by their position at the reception, not by their function. Many flowers lack some parts or the parts may change to other functions and / or usually look like any other part. In some families, like Andalusian, the petals are very diminished and in many species the sepals are variegated and petal-like. Ste mans transformed into other flowers are like petals; The double flowers of peonies and roses are mostly colloidal stamens. [3] Flowers show great variety, and botanists describe this variety in a systematic way to identify and distinguish species.

Certain terms are used to describe flowers and their parts. Many flower parts are mixed together; Connected parts arising from the same rolling are concatenated, while parts arising from different rolling are ad net; Parts that are not fused are free. When the petals are attached to a tube or ring that falls away as a single unit, they are sympathetic (also called homeopathic). Conner petals may have distinct regions: the cylindrical base is tubular, the elongated region is the neck, and the elongated outer region is limb b a sympathetic flower with bilateral symmetry with upper and lower lip liability. Conner petals or cephalic flowers may have a variety of spores or calyxes, including Campanella, nonuniform, cylindrical, Politburo, salver form or rotate

It is questionable to refer to it as "fusion" as it is usually done because at least some of the processes involved can be non-fusion processes. For example, the addition of extracellular growth at the beginning or bottom of the primordial of flower combinations such as inflorescence, petals, stamens, and carpels can lead to a common base that is not the result of fusion.

Many flowers have symmetry. When the pertinent is bisected from a point along the central axis and symmetrical halves are generated, the flower is called anthropomorphic or regular, e.g. The rose or trillium is an example of radial symmetry when the flowers are bisected and form only one line which produces a symmetrical half, the flower is called irregular or isomorphic, e.g. Snapdragon or mostly orchids

The flowers may be directly attached to the plant at their base (Cecil - supporting stalk or stem is extremely reduced or absent). The closed stem or stalk of the flower is called Peduncle Kal. If a baby cell supports more than one flower, the stem attached to the main axis of each flower is called a pedicure. The tops of the flower stems form terminal swellings which are called terraces or climbers.

A species that has multiple flowers on its axis is called a coccyx. Some inflorescence are composed of many small flowers arranged in a structure that resembles a single flower. A common example of this is the majority of members of a very large asterisk group. For example, not a single daisy or sunflower flower but a flower head made of a combination of numerous multiple flowers (or flowers). A floral arrangement may include specialized stalks and modified leaves known as bracts.

Flower formulas are a way of representing the structure of flowers using specific letters, numbers and symbols that present significant information about flowers in a concise form. It can represent a tack, usually giving a limit to the number of different organs or specific species. Floral ornaments were developed in the early 19th century and their use has declined since then. Pruner ET AL. (2010) developed an extension of the existing model to expand the descriptive skills of formulas. The formats of floral formulas differ in different parts of the world, yet they provide the same information.

Flower structures can be expressed through floral illustrations. The use of schematic diagrams can replace long descriptions or complex drawings as a tool for understanding both the structure and evolution of flowers[7]. Such images may show important features of the flower[8]. including the relative positions of the various organs[7] including the presence of fusion and symmetry, and structural detail[0].


A flower develops from a fixed apical memberlist to a modified shoot or above the axis (determine the meaning of the axis growing in the form of a set). It compresses the internodes, carrying a structure that is interpreted as a higher modified leaf in the morphology of classical plants. However, detailed studies of development have shown that stamens often begin as more or less altered stalks (columns) that in some cases may even resemble branches. Considering the whole variety of development of the androsium of the flowering plant, we make a look at the continuity between the modified leaves (philomes), the modified stalks (calomes) and the modified branchlets (shoots).

Eclipse of flowers

During the life cycle of a plant, one of the major stages in the transformation of the flower changes. This transformation must take place at a time that is conducive to fertilization and seed formation, thus ensuring maximum reproductive success. To meet this demand a plant is able to interpret important inherent and environmental signals such as plant hormone levels and changes in seasonal temperatures and photoperids. [15] Many perennials and most biennials need flowers locally for flowering. The molecular interpretation of these signals is through a complex signal transmission known as florigen, which is involved in the reproductive conditions of Flor florigen leaves with different genes including constants, full locus C and full locus T, and acts on buds. To persuade changes.

Flowering transition

The first step in transformation is to transform the plant stem primordia into a flower primordia. This occurs because biochemical changes occur to convert the cellular differences of thin, bud and stem tissues into tissues that will increase in the reproductive organs. The growth of the central part of the stem tip becomes closed or flattened and the sides develop defense in a rotating or spiral fashion around the outside of the stem edge. These replicas develop into cells, petals, stamens and carpels. Once this process has begun, in most plants, it cannot be reversed and the stalks develop flowers, even the early onset of the event of flower formation was dependent on some environmental signals. Once the process begins, the stem will continue to develop a flower even if that QT is removed.

Yvonne Aitken showed that flower translocation depends on a variety of factors and that given the winter conditions flowering plants had minimal dependence on climate although post-flowering varieties show a strong response to climate setup.

Organ development

Molecular control of flower organ identification is fairly well understood in some species. As a general model, the three genes interact in a combined manner to determine the developmental identity of the organ primordia in the meristem of activity. These gene functions are called A, B and C-gene functions. Only the A-gene is released during the first flowering cycle, which leads to cell formation. In the second rotation both the A- and B-genes are revealed, which leads to petal formation. In the third vortex, the B and C genes interact to form steamens, and the C-genes in the center of the flower simply give rise to carpel. The model is based on the study of mutants of Arbidopsis thaliana and Snapdragon, Antirheinum majus. For example, when the efficacy of B-gen is reduced, mutant flowers are produced as usual with sepals in the first rotating part, but also in the second rotation instead of the normal petal formation. The third vortex lacks the B function but the presence of the C-function mimics the fourth vortex, also creating carpels in the third vortex.

Most of the central genes in this model belong to the MADS-box gene and replicate components that control the expression of specific genes for each flower organ.

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Happy World




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